Writing a novel?

July 08, 2017

I signed up to Camp NaNoWriMo (July) this year, hoping that it would be the necessary push for me to actually get going on my novel. I started last year during NaNoWriMo (November) but I only wrote 10.000/50.000 words.

So how has the first 8 days of Camp NaNoWriMo 2017 gone?? Well… I’ve written 2000 words. And yeah sure, I put my goal at 10.000 so I could be sure I'd finish but I was hoping that I'd write at least 20.000

That's probably not gonna happen.

Guys this is going terribly. I am so bad at more than a general outline of chapters; how the fuck do you write a chapter longer than 1,400 words?? How do you describe setting and situations?? Literally the only thing I can describe is a panic attack and isn’t that just sad? 

The thing is, I know what you’re supposed to do, when writing the first draft of the novel. Just write, write, write until you got the basic beginning, middle and end. But I don’t really know what my middle is. Not even the basics. I just have around five scenes in my head and I don’t freaking know how to get to the end.

When I was younger everybody told me that I should become a writer. I loved writing stories and I loved reading so I was pretty good at writing as well. But now… I haven’t evolved in any way since I was 13 so suddenly my skills aren’t that good anymore.

For Christ sake, I don’t even know what my message is, which is like one of the main things you need, when you start writing a book.

I do know what my themes are though; Mental Health and Friendship. Also 100% of the characters are LGBT+ and 50% are POC but those are not really themes, because they’re not really a big part of the story.

 It makes me sad that I can’t get going with the story cause I really love the idea and I adore my characters. I have 4 big characters and I’d probably die for them. I have really well developed characters (in my head cause I have yet to get the development down on the page) so it sucks that I can’t give them the story they deserve.

Can someone give me any tips on how to get motivated when writing? Or how to describe… well anything really?

If you have an account on NaNoWriMo.org then add me as your writing buddy (you can’t add buddies on Camp NaNoWriMo sadly but I’ll probably participate in November again) My username is ClaraSElfving

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