Unleashing my inner thoughts

June 21, 2017

Hi, and welcome to Clara Unleashed; my personal blog to unleash everything that’s going on inside my noggin. So you guys can get to know me better, I’ve compiled a list of 10 things you should know about me. Let’s get started.

1. Formerly ClaraSElfving

My full name is Clara Sofie Elfving and for a long time I’ve called myself ClaraSElfving on the Internet. I’ve decided to change my ‘internet persona’ to Clara Unleashed because it’s catchier and people will definitely remember it better, than some old weirdly spelled Swedish name.

2. Viking

I am 100% Danish; born and bred. Actually that’s a lie. I’m about 10% Polish and 20% Swedish (or something like that) but that’s besides the point. Yes I come from that tiny country shaped like a head that is famous for agriculture, LEGO and Mads Mikkelsen.
If you ask me about Hygge I will block you.

3. Social Justice Warrior

I know this term is usually used the same as ‘feminazis’ and ‘special snowflakes’ but I’ve decided to own it. I still don’t understand how it’s something bad? Yeah I fight for social justice; are you telling me that’s bad or?
Look, minorities need people listen to them and to stand up for them. I’m in some minority groups but I’m also somewhat privileged (did you see the picture? I could not be whiter); therefor I’ve decided to use my privilege to talk about stuff that needs to be said. If you got a problem with it then piss off.

4. Not st8 m8

For some reason our society is build so that if you don’t declare your sexuality/ gender identity people will assume that you are straight and/ or cisgendered. I am neither.
Firstly I am asexual, which means I am not sexually attracted to any gender.
Secondly I am biromantic, which means I am romantically attracted to multiple genders.
Thirdly I am nonbinary. This means that I don’t identify as being in the binary (boy/girl). I lie somewhat between agender and female. My pronouns are they/them and she/her but my preferred pronouns are they/them.

5. Anxious to the max

I suffer from anxiety – mostly social anxiety but also other forms of anxiety – and depression. I take antidepressants which does make me quite tired at times but I rarely have anxiety attacks anymore so I’m okay with sleeping a bit more.

6. Make sure to hit that subscribe button

If you haven’t noticed the bazillion ‘youtube’ buttons around the page then let me just give you a link to my channel http://youtube.com/ClaraSElfving
Yes the link is still ClaraSElfving because that is apparently not changeable on youtube (dammit). I’ve been making videos for 5 years time now about everything and anything. This blog will probably have the same themes as my youtube channel but it will still be different content. Some things work better in writing after my opinion.

7. Lost and tired millennial

I am a pretty typical millennial. No not obsessed with technology and self-entitled but rather depressed, poor and uncertain about what the fuck to do with my life. I am an adult on paper but inside I’ve got zero idea of what that entails. I am about to enter my second gap year cause I’m just not ready for university yet. Help me I’m lost.

8. What is outside?

All right I know I just said I’m not obsessed with technology but that might be kind of a lie. I pretty much live on the Internet. Don’t get me wrong, I have a job and all but if I don’t have to work, there’s a good chance I’ll just stay inside on my computer reading fanfiction or watching Netflix all day. Oh right, did I mention I’m a huge ass fangirl?

9. Cereal counts as cooking right?

For the observant readers, you’ll notice that it says ‘food’ in the main menu. Well I don’t want to mislead you; I can’t fucking cook. But in my search for true adulthood and since I am moving out soon, I have to learn right? So this is me trying to learn. Some of it might be a failure; some of it might be a surprising success. We’ll see in time.


English grammar is hard okay! Like why are there so few commas? When do you use semicolon, colon, dash and brackets? I may have a fairly big English vocabulary but that certainly doesn’t mean I’m good at writing in English. I might make huge mistakes sometimes but you just got to bear with me. There’s a lot of pressure on non-native English speaking countries to be perfect at English. Meanwhile native English speakers are applauded for learning basic Spanish.

And that’s all folks. With this post you should have a pretty good idea of who I am and what this blog will be about. I hope you’ll stick around to watch me dive into this blogging thing. You can submit your email address to get notified when I post a new blogpost and please comment one thing I should know about you! I’d love to know who’s reading my blog.

Until next time!

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2 kommentarer

  1. Hey Clara! I'm so excited to see how your blog will grow!
    I guess one thing that you should know about me is that I love owls. Wow, what an interesting fact, I know! But on a slightly more serious note, I really, really do love owls (I may be a tad bit obsessed). I don't just love owls, but I find birds in general to be fascinating. My favourite bird (and favourite owl) is the Barn Owl. One day in the near-ish future, I hope to be an ornithologist (bird scientist). Another thing (that you might have concluded already) is that I tend to ramble about things because I'm terrible at forming coherent and cohesive ideas and even more so in face-to-face conversation.

    1. Honestly I just love it when people are enthusiastic about something! I don't know much about owls other than the fact that I think they're pretty cool, but it's so amazing to hear you be so excited about them :D :D thank you for commenting


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